I am honestly having a relatively crappy reading month. Everything I have read this month except for two books have been a three star rating or lower...mostly lower.
There are two books I have recently heard of that I am going to give a try. The first one is:

Is about 600 pages but it's a mass market paperback and I tend to read those faster.
I was able to finish the above book (it was a 4.5 star read) and now I am starting this:
I have heard some really good things about this novel but I always get nervous when a book is hyped because I tend to not like a lot of over hyped books. However, one of the people who mentioned really liking it on booktube has felt the same way about some books that I have not liked so I am hoping for the best with this one. Not sure if I'll actually get to it tonight though. It is 1:27 am and I might try to sleep.