Thread: Triggering (Suicide): Lonely.
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Re: Lonely. - June 9th 2017, 07:57 AM

Ok Yoshi,
I'm gonna give you some tough love here. You have to let that friend go. She didn't bring you happiness, you chose it.
I understand you were lonely, I had the exact same thing happen. Someone I became close to stopped wanting to be friends. Yeah it hurts, but you gotta move on. Unless you let her go, accept there is no "magical person" who is going to come into your life and bring you happiness you can't move forward. Friends, family etc can definitely help. Having good friends is the best and easiest way to feel happy, but the root thing is, You. Choose. Happiness. No one drops a pot of happiness in your lap.
You really should meet a therapist, and actively try to move on. Accept that that chapter in life is closed. Put yourself out there, and meet new people, with the aim of friendships, not a magical person who is going to solve everything. That only happens in movies. You've gotten heaps of advice on previous threads, look into them and consider using that advice.
Beyond that, I'm going to repeat something Psychomachia said, We are not going to tell you to give up. Just remember you are responsible for your own happiness mate.
I'm sorry if this is harsh, but you need to hear the truth. Waiting for someone to make you happy means you're never going to be happy. Its not an easy lesson to swallow, but its a very real one.

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