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Re: What are you reading now? - June 9th 2017, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by Cassado View Post

It was a good distraction. I don't really like the way suicide was handled but I did relate to some of the thoughts the characters had.

Now I'm reading this.

Yeah, I agree, I didn't like the way suicide was portrayed but I related to both of the main characters to a certain extent.

You are going to have to let me know what you think of that book. I thought the way the author wrote about self harm .... was done really well...but I felt the novel as a whole kind of fell flat.

I am going to try and start:

Edit: I could not get into the above book. It was just so slow and the author was rambling. It was also close to 500 pages and I could not see myself slogging through it. Someone else might actually enjoy it. I also might have been able to slog through it if I hadn't just finished reading two very boring books.

Here is what I am going to attempt to read later tonight:

Last edited by DeletedAccount69; June 10th 2017 at 04:16 AM.