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  (#8955 (permalink)) Old
Starseeker Offline
I once walked the starry sky
I can't get enough
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Name: Sue
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Location: The Andromeda Galaxy

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Join Date: March 5th 2017

Re: I'm happy today because... - May 24th 2017, 08:08 PM

Today's my name day and my Mum had promised to take me to a bookshop and she did. I wanted to go because today's the day of the premiere of a particular book in my native language. I'd been looking forward to reading it since it came out in original language version in July 2014. It's an extremely significant novel for me and I'm very happy to have it on my shelf. I also got a hot waffle with fruit and powdered sugar by the way.

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