Thread: New Boyfriend
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Re: New Boyfriend - May 20th 2017, 12:34 AM

Again, your boyfriend's penis exercises did not increase the size of his penis. That's simply not true. If he wants to think that that's fine, but you might want to wonder why he potentially thinks the size of his manhood affects his masculinity. Unfortunately society has taught men that bigger is better when that's not really the case, and many men feel inferior when they have a smaller penis, hence the advertising for things like pills and and "exercises" that can make a man's penis bigger. But I'm getting off topic.

A condom can fit over an entire fist and forearm without breaking. It will fit your boyfriend's penis. I suggest looking for information for how to properly apply a condom to a man's penis. You might want to ask Coffee. for some resources; she's a sex educator and she could probably give you better information than I could. I assure you, it will fit. If you're really worried, there is such a thing as a female condom that you could use.

It's really, REALLY advisable you be on some other form of contraception than using condoms. While they definitely are effective at preventing pregnancy (and the only form of protection that prevents transmission of sexually transmitted infections), the risk of pregnancy is greater than if you are on the pill or some other form of birth control. In the end, it's your body, so it's up to you and you alone.

For resources I know of, I suggest researching sexplanations on youtube. She has some videos that give some good information on birth control methods (including footage of her rolling a male condom over her whole head). Try searching the video "sex shields." It may be of use.

Good luck and PM me if you need anything else.