Lonely -
May 13th 2017, 06:03 PM
Recently I have been in a weird head space, and this specific thing just send me over the edge.
So yesterday one of my very good friends was gone from school, but I still had a few people I could sit by at lunch. But, the few people were either also gone or bailed on me, so I was completely alone. I didn't eat anything, and just went to the band hall and sat for a good half an hour alone.
This is probably something most pf you have gone through, and it's happened to me too, but this time it was different. I felt like nobody really actually liked me, and that I was useless. That was me totally overthinking everything again, but that is genuinely how I felt. I didn't tell anyone, and was very quiet for the rest of the day. A few people noticed, which made me feel a little better, that some people actually care about my emotions. But I kept my distance from everyone that day, because I felt I didn't deserve anyone.
Right now, I'm feeling lonely. It's almost the end of the school year, which is great! But, that doesn't mean these feelings aren't totally consuming me. Any tipson how to feel better?