Thread: Triggering (Suicide): lonely.
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Re: lonely. - April 19th 2017, 06:38 AM

Hi, Grey!

I'm sorry to hear about how you are feeling. Loneliness is a horrible feeling and can be difficult to deal with, but I am glad you have a couple of people whom you are close to. Have you spoken to your friend about how you are feeling? You deserve support through this.

It must be hard to have two groups of friends who don't feel like friends. I'm sorry to hear they don't include you or treat you like a friend. Since you consider the first group of friends acquaintances, would you consider spending more time with them to get to know them better? Since they are friends with a close friend of yours it could be nice to bond with them. Perhaps they don't know you very well and aren't sure how to get to know you? While it may be tempting to spend time on your phone or in the bathroom, it may be causing you to miss out on bonding moments that could bring you closer together. I am wondering if you have anything in common with them, or could bring up interests of yours and ask them about their interests. Sometimes we feel like we do not fit in, but discover we actually do once those involved get to know each other better.

That is upsetting that you are not invited to parties, and that the live stream was deleted after you had joined. I'm wondering if it could have been a coincidence? Perhaps they were planning on ending the live stream right there, and it was simply bad timing? If that isn't the case, I'd be upset too but it is worth noting other possibilities. If events like these continue happening then I'd say they are avoiding you, but I hope they aren't because you deserve better than that.

I can imagine it is really hard at your school, to see everyone else getting along well but being left out of conversations, events and out of the equation in general. At lunch, could you ask someone if you could sit beside them? I am sure there are at least a few quiet people at your school who sit alone or in small groups who would value genuine friendships and kindness. You can also branch out by going to support groups, talking to people your age in your neighborhood, and making friends online (in a safe way) such as here at TeenHelp. I've made friends with quite a lot of amazing people here - you could do the same! Speaking of, you can message me anytime, okay? I would truly like to get to know you because you seem nice and I can relate to you in ways.

Have you thought about joining sports at your school? It'd be a source of socializing and exercise. Grey, I have not seen you but I don't believe you are ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Those who determine who they will be friends with based on physical features are usually leading themselves into friendships without a solid ground. I do believe you'll find friends who love and appreciate you, and spending time with you. Real, true friends. You deserve happiness, kindness, genuine friendship and life. You're worth it. Keep your eyes on dreams, passions and those who once laughed at you will be the ones missing out on knowing you, and what makes you such a nice person; someone who wants real friendships.

Keep holding on, alright? Don't give up, Grey. There's so many better days ahead that are worth holding on for. Take care and stay strong.