Thread: Triggering (ED): Told my boyfriend
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Innes Hilton
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Re: Told my boyfriend - April 11th 2017, 01:27 AM

Hello Erin, first of all I can deeply sympathise with you for having this disorder, i know many with it and i know countless relatives and friends impacted by it also. From what i'm reading you're fully aware of everything this condition causes to both you and him;which is a start.

May i quickly add that you are truly blessed for having someone as kind and attentive as this boyfriend you speak of, I couldn't think of a single person who has been there for me as long as that so you should feel truly gifted.

Sorry if i'm coming across negatively in any way here trust me upsetting you is the last thing i want, but rule number one: hide nothing! To some extent your boyfriend knows of all the hiccups along your road to recovery but by concealing the information that when you have a 'good day' you are still eating significantly less is a bad idea.

For starters you said it yourself you are gifted for having such a gentleman by your side so if you truly care for him you at least need to be fully open about everything. Secondly I think it would be best if you sought help with this condition by any means necessary, i'm getting the impression that all this counselling isn't exactly your cup of tea and for the most part - that's fine! But please for your sake and your boyfriend's seek out whatever treatment that works best for you and with a few bumps in the road you will make it!

Finally, i left this point till last because i felt it was the point that needed the least amount of explanation. I can see why you're sceptical about other people knowing about your disposition i mean i know i would but relax knowing that the person your boyfriend confides in will be someone whom he trusts COMPLETELY. Relax you perfect creature!
