Thread: Triggering (ED): Told my boyfriend
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Told my boyfriend - April 7th 2017, 06:10 PM

This thread has been labeled as triggering, particularly on the subject of eating disorders, by the original poster or by a Moderator. The contents of this thread might therefore not be suitable for certain sensitive users. Please take this into consideration before continuing to read.

If you've told your significant other about your mental health struggles, what have they done to help you?

Last weekend I told my boyfriend about the eating disorder I was diagnosed with in the fall. It's been a hard week because of that, but I don't regret telling him. We've talked about it so much this week and he wants to know what he can do to help me. He said that he doesn't want to become the controlling boyfriend that forces me to eat or counts my calories, but he's still worried about how little I eat each day. I've noticed that he's been watching me during meal times and I can tell that it hurts him, which is killing me. I gave him permission to tell one of his friends about it because I know how hard it is to watch someone you love go through this, and I know he needs someone more than just me to talk to. It scares me that someone else is going to know, but I want what's best for him.

In terms of practically helping, we've come up with only a few things. I told him that when I begin to stumble with my words and struggle to concentrate it's because I haven't eaten that day. When I get like that he should remind me that I need to eat. I've been telling him if each day is a good or a bad day, and if it's a bad day why it's bad. Though I'm struggling with that too because what's a good day for me is still eating significantly less than what I should be eating (I haven't told him that yet). That's it, that's all either of us have come up with. He wants me to go back to counseling, but since I use the service offered at our university I could only go three or four times before fall semester begins and that just feels pointless. He's offered to find a support group and go with me, I haven't told him yes or no on that one.

It kills me that this is hurting him, but I knew that he needed to know (and I needed to tell someone). He's an amazing man that has promised to love me anyway; I don't know what I did to deserve him.