Originally Posted by Cassado
That seems tricky, because the car in theory was yours, but it wasn't registered with your name. You said the check was in your name, though? Yours and your grandmother's? The money belonged to the two of you, then, not to your mom and your step dad.
You said there's a number of things you don't like about your car, notably that it was in an accident and sustained serious damage. How does it handle after being fixed, though? I was opposed to cars that had an accident history until I found (and did research on) my car. It handled well.
I don't agree with what your parents did, but when it comes down to it, you have to work and you have other errands you need to tend to. Maybe you can sit down and weigh the options you listed: asking for 1k back, or taking the car your step-dad had fixed. You can get a car for 1k, but it could be worse off than the one you have now. Maybe the mileage on the Honda isn't ideal for you, but it is a car, and it will do its job in getting you around until you can get something else you like more.
Regardless, I hope you come to a decision that you feel is best for you.
I 100% agree with your statement about the check belonging to me and my grandma. What if my grandma decided to give 100% of the money to my parents even though my name and signature were on the check? Can I claim 50% of the money?
The car handles well, the engine is more noisy than it's supposed to be, there are some sounds coming from the tires that sounds like two metallic pieces rubbing together, there's a stranger noise coming from the driver's side as well. Last but not least the engine light is on which could be something serious, but I refuse to pay for the repairs out of my own pocket.
What I want to do is ask for 1k back and also get the car as they will be keeping 3.5k which is the value of the car according to Carfax and other websites using the vin number. Now, I would not get a car with 1k because that 1k I would strictly use it to pay for college not anything else. But I agree with everything you have said, a car is car and it would do its job. until it breaks down which is more likely to happen with this car because it has had a lot of work done to it.