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Name: Ranada Givens
Age: 30
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Location: Biloxi Mississippi

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Re: Self Harm Thoughts - March 10th 2017, 02:10 PM

Hi, thanks to all that have commented, an update, we did give the two dogs away, we still have one dog and our cat. The homes that they have went to are good homes, and their doing good, and fitting in perfectly. I know one of the new owners personally and the other I wasn't able to meet due to me being in school, though she has kept me updated.

But the thoughts are still there. I've made a new friend at work, and we both like each other, but people keep going behind me and telling him bad things about me, so this isn't helping with the self harm thoughts, and it's making me even more depressed and has triggered my social anxiety even more, where I don't even want to go anywhere, but I'm still going to work and school, though it's really hard for me to do so.
I was doing better until this, because he keeps asking me and telling me that people are saying things behind my back about what I've said about him when he's not around, and it's just all becoming too much, because I've opened up to him more than I have most people in my life.