Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. -
March 3rd 2017, 02:31 PM
Leave already. I don't think I care. If you think I am going to sit back and accept your controlling nature, you are delusional. I am too independent to take shit from you and you can say whatever you like about it. I am not changing. A whore? Well, if that is what I am, so be it. But I am not bending this time. I am not going to get guilt tripped into being nice to you or accepting your behaviour towards me just because you called me a name that once upon a time triggered me. It does not bother me anymore because I know who I am and what I am. Your opinion doesn't matter, anymore. Never should have, actually but I am glad I learnt my mistake early. I am glad I did not get too involved with you and ruin my life again.