Thread: e-mail anxiety?
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e-mail anxiety? - March 1st 2017, 12:13 AM

So my counselor wants me to start e-mailing him on things that we can talk about, things he can do better to help me, etc.

E-mails make me extremely anxious but so does talking. I didn't e-mail him my last week and before I left he was like "make sure to e-mail me," so I feel super pressured to do so now.

I have this written out so far:

I think it would be helpful to focus on my main triggers and learn how to use coping mechanisms to help me get over those fears/thought patterns. The coping mechanisms work on daily life stressors, but I still typically avoid major stressors and thoughts, any way possible. By avoiding these things I’m not really getting better, it’s actually probably just making it worse because the longer I avoid them, the more foreign they become.
I also think maybe talking in depth more about some of the issues, especially when it comes to issues with depression would be helpful because they mostly come from past experiences that I think I’ve overcome but really, I’ve just avoided it by never talking about it, and continuing projecting those fears into different areas of my life.

My fear is that I sound really stupid and I can't hit the send button. I don't know what to do, I want to get better but my anxiety gets in the way of me getting better I feel, if that makes sense.