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Re: I want to die, but yet I don't want to harm myself. - February 13th 2017, 09:57 PM

Hi Marshmallow,

I am glad you've reached out to us.

I agree with what Brittany has said. Do you think you would be able to tell your teacher how your classmates are treating you? Perhaps if you tell your teacher what is going on he or she will try to be more receptive to in turn, help you.

Have you talked to your mom about how you're feeling? I know it is very hard to talk to some people about how they make you feel, but it could be something to try. If you're not comfortable with it or your mom isn't the type of person you want to confide in, I suggest talking to someone else about this. Maybe you can talk to a teacher, friend, school counselor, or your dad.

You said the fact that your dad would care about your death is what stops you from trying to hurt yourself and that is a good start. Anything that keeps you here is a positive. You might benefit from writing a list of reasons to stay and keeping it in a safe place so you can view it when you're feeling low.

If you ever feel like you are going to harm yourself, call a hotline or your emergency number. Even though you feel as though your mom and sister don't care, other people care about you. Your dad cares about you and I care about you as well as many other people on TeenHelp. I know words on the internet might not be able to bring a lot of comfort but you are worth so much more than people make you feel. I am here if you'd like to talk.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

The axe forgets, but the tree remembers