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Re: Need help picking a new name (Trans, FTM) - January 26th 2017, 04:21 AM

It's ultimately up to you. You are going to be going by that name possibly for the rest of your life. I mean I could sit here and tell you which one I like more, but it shouldn't be up to other people. You are going by it so it is your choice.

Here is some questions you can ask yourself to try and choose which name to go by:
What name best fits me?
Do you want a nickname?
Do I feel more like a Tyler or Marshal?
Do I want a neutral name? Tyler can be a girl or boy name.

Just some questions I would ask myself with changing my name.

I hope I helped a little bit.
If you ever have any questions or need to talk, vent or need advice I am a PM/VM away.

Your Friend,