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Care-o-Bear Offline
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Name: Caroline
Age: 32
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - April 28th 2009, 06:11 AM

To Catie (a girl who sits at the lunch table with Tyler and I that said "Woah, it actually talked!" when I was having a conversation with Tyler's friend Meg, a really nice girl):
You are a total bitch. Seriously. I have a name. I'm not just "Tyler's girlfriend." I'm a she, not an "it." What you said to me the other day was the meanest thing I've heard in a long, long time. So what if I don't talk much? I am me and a fairly quiet person. Not everyone can be loud and outgoing. I am shy, so what? You are heartless and mean. Of all the people I have ever actually met, you are the one I am closest to hating. Seriously. If it weren't for Tyler, Mike, and Cammie saying not to listen to you, I would have been sobbing at lunch the other day. I already told Tyler, he apologized for you and called you a cold, heartless bitch. He felt really bad. And honestly, if you say one more mean thing about my shyness, I am not going to sit at that lunch table anymore.

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