Purr Purr Purr.
Jeez, get a life! ***********
Name: Jessie
Age: 30
Gender: Girly.
Location: The stars.
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Join Date: January 31st 2009
Re: My dad found out about my self harm scars -
December 23rd 2016, 11:23 PM
Hi there,
Thank you for coming to us here 
I can relate to having people see scars and trying to come up with excuses that to us sounds ok at the time but makes no sense to the other person and then later on I have often thought how did I think they were going to believe that. I think it you protecting yourself though and thats okay.
Being a few months self harm free is blummin amazing! I don't know if you still struggle with urges etc but if you do and you want to talk to us about please do. We are not going to judge you but we will listen to you and try to help you as best as we can; that is what we're here for.
Can I ask if the only reason you don't want him to know is because you're scared that he will put you in hospital or send you to therapy? Because if you haven't hurt yourself in that amount of time and it came out now, this would be very very unlikely. I doubt very much hospital would be an option (unless you are at risk to yourself now) and therapy is an option for any one in the world with or with out these issues but I don't see how he can force you to go to therapy because at the end of the day, it would be your choice. But telling him might not be the worst thing. I am not going to tell you what to do, this is your choice. But just remember he loves and cares about you.
Please know that we are always here for you if you need anything. You are never alone and we'll always do our best to help you!
Hope and wishes,
’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’
Big sis, always and forever, 15/04/2018