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Kate* Offline
Outside, huh?
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Name: Katie
Age: 36
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - December 9th 2016, 04:03 AM

"They're too long."
You're the one who said more was better than less and you didn't have to sit there forever and cut them shorter did you, I didn't think so.

"I assume you're..."
You're the one who said "never assume", but I guess that only applies to everyone else.

"I don't appreciate your attitude"
I don't appreciate yours either, but I guess your authority means we can act the same way, and somehow you don't have one.

Please don't remind me how "extensive" the coursework is. I did most of it, multiple times, passed and yet, still can't be what I was trying to be. Please stop throwing that in my face.

I'm torn between saying that if that's the way they're going to be, then I don't want to be one of them, and realizing that believing that changes absolutely nothing about the nightmare that is my life. I still want to do what that would've allowed me to do and I don't know if that will ever change.

And we're back to the balance of acknowledging disability and accepting responsibility. You may consider your disability (which is what it really is) "who you are", but it is NOT an excuse to get away with criminal behavior if you're capable of understanding that what you did was wrong.

"You're being demanding, disrespectful, and unprofessional." The only thing I ever "demanded" was to be treated like a human being because, guess what, I AM one and I did ask to be kept away from the woman who told me "You lack empathy" What the F was that?! Plus, I didn't know how hard that was actually going to be and, newsflash: You could've said NO to that. And what about you? You tried to fail/ throw me out behind my back, "If you manage to graduate, no one's going to to hire you like this." Who the F are you to lecture me about "respect" and "professionalism"?!

Okay, you're right, I did complain, and yes, it was unprofessional. And, if you can't keep your obvious dislike of me hidden from a class of 25 people for 2 hours a week, you are unprofessional" and immature too. Maybe I had a reason to complain. And saying that "Everyone is responsible for their own learning" while telling my project partner that she failed the class because I did something that isn't even possible to do, is worse than ANYTHING I ever said about you. There's a difference between complaining and revealing the truth.

Member Since: September 19, 2007
LHO: March 31, 2008- October 13, 2012

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." Jean Paul Sarte

Last edited by Kate*; December 12th 2016 at 02:33 AM.
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