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Jordioa18 Offline
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Name: Jordi
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - November 29th 2016, 12:14 PM

Sas, I acted angry because:

- I thought you fucking hated of big pieces of text that weren't pre-made books before yesterday (With that, REALLY hated, I still have to process that you don't mind. Most of the flirty, long stuff you say is in real life, but I cannot remember all of it). When I wrote you a big piece of text by hand, I had the feeling you hated it because it was a big piece of text, that's why
- I think you don't care about my interests. When you come back from horse riding/dancing, I want to do my best to talk with you about your interests, but I don't know if you want to do the same back. Maybe I'm expecting too much back, maybe I shouldn't expect anything but blind trust and distance from you sometimes (I say 'blind trust' cause I think you will flirt with me more and ignore me less if you don't, but I never seen you distrust me so I don't know for sure)

And I cannot say that to you cause I will have the feeling you will interrupt me and not hear me out. Hell, I might throw this away cause sometimes I think "Jordi, this is actually pretty crazy and it's not true", but then I bottle shit up because I don't know how to express it later, so this is what I feel now

Skype: jordiadutchbroski
PSN: jordioa18

If you need help, PM/VM me
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