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Name: Skye
Age: 25
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Location: France

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Unhappy can't go to the art school i wanted to go to :( - November 15th 2016, 05:40 PM

I'm so gutted and sad. I'd watched pretty much ALL the videos about Falmouth School of Art online, I'm in the middle of preparing my portfolio and writing my personal statement to apply to my course, it's the ONLY place I wanted to go to next year (although I was also planning on applying to another course here in France, just in case I didn't get in), and my parents just called me to say they got an email saying that Falmouth School of Art are no longer offering THE ONE COURSE I want to do. I'm just so so sad, this means I need to spend another year in France and it's just so frustrating I know it probably seems like language would be a minor detail since I'm pretty much bilingual, but it makes a huge difference to me. I can express myself much better and connect more easily on an emotional level when I'l speaking English with someone, and I was SO looking forwards to finally be in an environment where I'm comfortable like that.

Oh well. I don't believe in this kind of thing, but the only thing which makes me feel better is telling myself "it's a sign".

"You shall love your crooked neighbour / with your crooked heart."