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Mechanical Princess Offline
Heaven help the children....
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Name: Ariella
Gender: Female
Location: On the sea again.

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Join Date: April 12th 2009

Re: What it's like to have an eating disorder - April 27th 2009, 02:28 AM

1. What some of the strongest emotions you felt when dealing with an eating disorder?
Shame. I feel ugly all the time, and I hate it when people call me pretty or give me compliments, because I know they cannot possibly be true. Anger at myself for succumbing, breaking down and giving up when I should be strong...
Sadness, because I could never be what my parents deserve.

2. Did anyone ever confront you about it? And if so how did you respond?
my best friend confronted me about it about three weeks ago, asking me,
"where did all of this come from anyway?? you aren't fat or ugly, you're the most beautiful person I know."
And I nearly told her. But I couldn't. I was too afraid she'd hate me... so I told her I was okay, nothing was wrong, and things were t as they seemed. it's nearly a month later and she's only just starting to believe me.

3. Did you ever have a scary moments when your eating disorder lead to dramatic complications? If so what happened? (I.e. passing out, having to go to the hospital)
I fainted in the school bathrooms and someone scrambled over the cubicle door and pulled me into the corridor. I was in hospital for a week, but still, no one knows about my eating problem, I just said I was reallly tired.