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Re: i caught my boyfriend having nudes of his exs -
November 12th 2016, 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by Always *
I sorry he lied and, I mean, in his defence at least he immediately told you the truth.
I don't know what is normal or not normal in other relationships, but it sounds like your boyfriend is likely telling the truth because someone who's actually got something to hide (eg nudes of other women) would probably be more guarded with their phone whereas it sounds like he was ok with you using his phone. But, of course, that said, he knew perfectly well the pics were under a password that app.
Like I said, at least he fessed up. Maybe he lied at first because the relationship was new at didn't want to ruin it by being like well... and then maybe later he just forgot? Who knows... I don't want to condone the leis though, I had an ex who lied lots and I've developed a pretty big intolerance to.
You're definitely in your right to say that your not comfortable with these pics and make him show you that he's deleted them. Tell him you can find a way to forgive his lie but you can't live with the possibility of those pictures still existing. Talk about your expectations with your pics too. This is something that bothers you can if he refuses to delete the pictures, well... we'll talk then lol
I agree with a lot of this.
What he did was wrong but he fessed up and told you he was lying.
I think you should sit down with him and let him know how much this has hurt you and discuss what the two of you can do to move forward from something like this.