How to get through college without caffeine? -
November 7th 2016, 03:35 PM
Why would I want to get through college without caffeine? Caffeine causes me health problems. I have a digestive problem, so I am sensitive to caffeine, particularly if the caffeine is in something acidic (so caffeine pills are better for me than coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc). Caffeine causes me physical pain, but as a result of physical health problems, I am always fatigued and lack the energy to get through college as a normal person would, and the average college student consumes large amounts of caffeine on a regular basis. How can I have any chance of keeping up without it? I do try to limit caffeine on a daily basis because I hate coffee and energy drinks anyway, but when major exams come up, I see no other way. Diet and exercise and all the usual advice doesn't help, and I often don't have energy to exercise more than the required walking around campus of several miles per day. The doctors can't do anything about fatigue; they've tried. It's less bad but still bad. Just a symptom of my illness but college does not go well with it.
Any ideas for how to get through college without caffeine?
"Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..." ~Sixx:A.M.