Originally Posted by Callisto
School bullies along with an emotionally abusive father is a lot to deal with. I'm really sorry that you have to cope with both of these things. It must seem like you can't get away from it. I really liked what Eeba had to say about the bullies though - even if it is hard to remind yourself when they continue to say mean things. They are only trying to pull you down because you are above them. I entirely believe that with every thought in my brain. They're cowards who feed off of making people feel bad. I almost feel sorry for them. Does that make sense?
I'm sorry that they take this out on you and say mean and cruel things. They shouldn't. I'm also sorry that trying to get them to stop hasn't been very successful with your teachers or with your dad. Can you elaborate how you talk to your teachers about the bullying? Maybe we can perhaps try to think up of a way to get them to listen to you a little better and take the bullying seriously? It might also be helpful to try other teachers or a counselor like the other user suggested. Sometimes going to a different person can change the outcome, as they might actually listen to you.
I would also talk to your mom more if she seems like the only person supporting you through this. Talk to her about how your dad and the bullies are affecting you and brainstorm some ways you can alleviate the situation. I think talking through things is always worth a shot.
Thanks for the support. Situation with my dad has calmed down, he is not that bad like before though. I have a weekend for now, so I am currently away from the bullies and yes, I've been talking about it to my mother and dad, but she is kinda powerless (in her and mine opinion). I'll try to talk with the girl "leader" of those bullies in my very own way, so she can understand what I am talking about (hehe

). It's kinda impossible to make any teacher believe in anything (in this school, you are on your own, I guess) when I reported a bully (fat boy) to my educator, she told me that I am lying, even when I didn't told her the details, I'll try my idea and later I will tell you how did it went.