I'm sixteen I have depression, I have attempted suicide, I self-harm, I have uncontrollable anxiety and I'm on meds. I have been with my boyfriend for almost three years now but he can't handle me anymore. I have extremely low self esteem and I HATE my body because it's just bones, I'm flat, pale and covered in scars. I'm scared I'm so scared of him interacting with other girls because I think he's going to cheat on me and compare me to them. He is the most kindest loyal boyfriend every and I know he would never do something like that to hurt me but I just can't control myself
if he even mentions a girls name I get angry and ask who she is over and over again until he tells me. I burnt a birthday card his friend gave to him, she's soooo beautiful and perfect. I feel like crap, I'm nothing compared to her. I check his phone constantly and I FLIP OUT if I see he's been chatting to a girl even if it's something like hi how are you or something simple
I find them and message them on facebook calling them hoes/sluts/whores/slags and telling them to fuck off away from my boyfriend and he gets so so angry at me to the point where he doesn't want to be with me anymore. I can't help it though
Whenever I find he has been texting a girl (just casually as friends) my throat hurts, sweat runs down my arms, I shake and cry and sometimes I go home and self-harm. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared I'm going to lose him either way.......Please please help.