Re: A Good Friend [16F] Wants To "Have Fun" With Me [15m], But She Is Pregnant -
October 15th 2016, 12:52 AM
Whatever you do, use a comdom. Obviously if she's already pregnant, you can't make things worse in that area, but unless you've both been tested for STI's and are confident that you're both monogamous because so,some else she might be with might have something then you should use comdoms to he safe. just tell her that, if things go there, that your more comfortable using a condom any how.
Has she spoken to a doctor and her family about being pregnant? That's pretty important if she plans to carry the baby and keep it. She'll need pre natal care and might need some extra help because of the semi recent drug use. In addition, if she plans to keep being in AP courses and stuff, she'll need child care assistance to stay in school.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 