Thread: tattoo tomorrow
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Re: tattoo tomorrow - October 6th 2016, 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by VotesForGoats View Post

I think where you get it done and how much is hurts differ from person to person. I don't have any tattoos myself but I've heard that areas where the skin is quite thin - such as ankles - can be more painful as there's less padding and the bone is so prominent. However, I know people who have said that it didn't hurt them personally at all! So it really will depend on your threshold for pain and how sensitive the skin is there for you.
Yep, you're right there! Normally areas like the ankles hurt more for that reason - the bone is more prominent and there's less skin there. That's probably part of the reason why my calf tattoo didn't hurt badly but my friend's wrist tattoo did. I'm getting two tattoos at the end of the month, one on the calf and one on the shoulder blade and I expect the shoulder blade to hurt more because of the prominent bone.

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Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive