Re: Is drugs really that bad? -
September 23rd 2016, 02:25 PM
Drugs are really bad, but not all drugs are created equally.
Raising the alcohol age to 25 would be ridiculous for starters - most countries allow people to drink by 18 or 19 because younger can be harmful mostly because of the affect that alcohol can have on a developing brain, but any older then that seems pretty unnecesary.
Marijuana is also not as awful as some people make it out to be. Extensive research has been conducted demonstrating benefits of it (but also people who smoke up have a slightly higher risk of a psychological break and some people get paranoid / anxious if they're high so it's not for everyone). But think about it, marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes are all legal (at least in many places - marijuana is not legal all over). If you don't have an addictive personality, it's not awful. But look at cigarettes; they're super addictive, cause a lot of health problems and yet society accepts it, yet I hate hanging out with smokers cause they can't even go to the movie theatre or out for dinner without needing to excuse themselves to smoke - you do not want your life ruled by something like that. Alcohol and marijuana are different - obviously you shouldn't drink/smoke and drive and I've definitely seen people become very dependent and/or addicted but I would say most people (like conservatively 75% at least) can have a few drinks and not have it be a big deal.
Other drugs aren't "bad" because they save lives / make lives easier - like Adderall is horrible if your abusing it to stay awake and get school work done but it can make an enormous difference to functioning properly if you have more severe ADHD. People can become dependent on anti-depressents but for many people taking them, the alternate is to have suicidal thoughts or to be so anxious/depressed that they can't function properly.
So many recreational drugs are horrible because they're highly addictive and cause many health issues if used. To top it off, they are not regulated so the people manufacturing them can put whatever in them and make them even more dangerous. Many of them, like meth and cocaine, are also sold by criminals and gangs, and thus it can also put users at risk for becoming involved with criminal drug dealers who might cause them even more harm than the drugs. At least marijuana is practically a hippy drug and it's not just awful people growing/selling it (I'm not trying to advocate for getting high though, just that pot is more akin to alcohol and cigarettes and less like cocaine and meth).
Just don't do drugs ok. It's really not awesome. I've seen it ruin peoples lives.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions