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Abusive to my Girlfriend - September 11th 2016, 03:51 AM

Hey guys,
I know posting this will get me hated but i just can't think of a place to get out off my chest. I am 15 and been dating a girl i really like since May. But when i get upset at her or if i am just in a bad mood i take it out on her. I have hit her a few times, or put her down. I love her, i really do. I am not saying this is right but it is what is it is. I tell myself i am never going to hit her again but then i do. I even promise to her and i really mean it. But she just pushes my buttons and i lose it. Her friends all tell her to leave me, and i guess she needs to. We have broke up a few times but always end back up with each other. I never felt i had anger issues but i guess i do. But i never taken it out on someone until now.

Any guys like me out there? Hate feeling alone about this and feel having someone to talk to that been there (either as the girl or the guy) would help me a lot.
