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Jess~ Offline
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Re: REALLY annoying girl at school - August 22nd 2016, 04:57 AM

well in my opinion, despite how "annoying" and "awkward" and "weird" she is, you're being pretty freaking harsh on her.

as the users above have said, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.
and even if her home life is absolutely perfect, who are you to deny someone's validity in having legitimate problems?
i know these days it's all "cool" and "edgy" to fake mental illnesses and issues, but you really can't determine if that's her case just because her crying sounds "fake".
only a professional psychologist can check her out for sure and until she gets that diagnosis or not, nobody should judge her for claiming she has issues.

why don't we just say she WAS actually faking the anxiety and all that. there's a reason she wants attention so badly! maybe she's mistreated or ignored at home. nobody knows. crazy that people are such complex creatures that what we see on the surface is rarely ever a true representation of what's really going on.

i'm sorry, i know i sound snappy. this just hit a nerve with me, because i know exactly what it feels like to be that awkward, weird kid that nobody wants to be around and that everyone dislikes.
i also know people like that now, and i can assure you that there are other ways to deal with them rather than nitpicking at every little thing they do or say in class.

maybe you should step up and be the ONLY mature and reasonable kid in the school, and offer the freaking girl some acceptance?

i don't know what i'm supposed to do
haunted by the ghost of you