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Re: Prayer Requests Thread - July 8th 2016, 04:09 AM

Please pray that I'm able to access the treatment I need to deal with my depression as quickly as possible. I've been struggling for many months now and I've finally been approved for ECT, which is a very effective treatment for depression. God was good enough to grant me the opportunity of an appointment with a physician to get physically cleared for ECT the same day I got told I was a candidate for ECT by the specialist. However, I haven't been able to get in contact with the ECT doctor's office about a follow-up appointment to go over my medical results, which I need to do before I can undergo ECT. It's been two days and I'm quite anxious because I've been dealing with this a long time and I'm starting to lose hope. Please pray that the process goes quickly and that I'm able to find some hope in life while we straighten out all the details. Thank you.
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