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Lizzie Offline
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Outside, huh?
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Name: Lizzie
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Re: not sure if pregnant? - July 4th 2016, 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by rileyk View Post
i live in a very conservative area and i don't believe they offer birth control that allows you to skip your period. i don't have insurance and this is the one option they allow me to have for a reduced cost, so i'd rather not mess with it.

i know that birth control doesn't eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, but it does lower it to somewhere between 1-8%, correct?
Yes, birth control pills do greatly reduce the chance of pregnancy, but only when taken correctly. The fact that you are not following the cycle means that you can't count on your pills to be fully effective. They have specific directions for a reason, its to make them as effective as possible. I highly recommend following the directions to a T to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy in the future. Trust me, getting your period once a month is a small price to pay for effective birth control.

And while you may live in a conservative area, if you are getting birth control now, I don't see why a different brand would be any different in the eyes of a doctor. It is at least worth bringing up at your next appointment.

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