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ATwentyCharacterName Offline
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ATwentyCharacterName's Avatar
Name: Luke
Age: 22
Gender: Technically, I'm legally female, if that's what you'd prefer, but I prefer being called a guy
Location: Neverland

Posts: 15
Points: 4,525, Level: 9
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Join Date: June 21st 2016

Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? - June 28th 2016, 04:35 AM

Legally female, but I act like and think like a guy (my friends say I do). ...But I don't want to be trans or anything, even though I've thought about what it would be like and considered it but no. Also I'm bi, and yes, I will date trans people, so does that make me pan?? Anyway, I'm romantically attracted to both genders, but I'm not sexually attracted to guys. If I did that, I'm either drunk off my hat, or you must be special af.

~ If you think that sunshine brings happiness,
You've obviously never danced in the rain ~
- Unkown

Hey feel free to pm me any time, I'm always up to talk about problems or to simply chat if that's what you'd like. I always respond within a day, but sometimes I respond within an hour, so yeah.
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