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ATwentyCharacterName Offline
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Name: Luke
Age: 22
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Re: Panicking over my parents and friends - June 25th 2016, 05:20 AM

It's perfectly fine to be extremely nervous about certain things, especially when two worlds, such as family and friends collide. I'm really nervous when my parents try to talk about my friends with me. It's mainly because they are so different, and my parents would never approve of me being influenced by forces other than them.

Maybe there is something that sets you off, like maybe they do something or say something that your parents wouldn't approve of. If this is the case, maybe you can talk to your friend(s) about it. Maybe if they know about how you suspect that your parents will react, they'll do something that your parents will approve of. I'm sure your friend will understand. Besides, I don't think they'd want to deal with disapproving parents either.

I hope this helps, even just a little bit!^^