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Re: Ways to help my friend? Finances, family, homelessness, disability - June 22nd 2016, 05:27 PM

I personally don't think there is anything wrong with people living in a country, whether they are legal or illegal - if they are in a country for good reasons. The important thing is to help her and the family as a whole.

I can relate on struggling and on thin lines of being kicked out so I know how hard this is both physically and emotionally. I have a few things that may be options.

For them to try to stay in there current place if they are able to do that:

1) if they have anything they don't use but there is a value (even a small value) they can sell it to someone who needs it. You can also sell things you don't need or your circle of friends to help raise money for them, but not everyone would do this.

2) it might not be much, could they find any cash jobs, like baby sitting, house cleaning, walking pets? It might be something they could do.

3) instead of buying groceries they can visit their local food bank. Churches also help families who are in need. You could also set up a food bank within your circle of contacts, any canned goods, staple foods, etc.

4) could her mom apply for emergency funding with disability because of the risk of becoming homeless?

Those are options I can think of so they can possibly help them to save there home if they are able to save their home.

I'd imagine that this is very hard for everyone and keeping a family together in a home that soon won't be there home, does your friend receive counseling or support? Does her siblings receive any support? I know community centre's will provide some help but each one operates differently.

In terms of a place that they can go that is safe they could talk to friends if they have extra room in their home and they could help with housekeeping, chores for their board if they are financially unable to do so at that time. Another option are shelters or going on a list for subsidized housing.

I am not sure if this has helped or given you some ideas. I hope your friends family is safe and receives the support they need.