My Girlfriend and I are in love, but my physical wants are causing problems -
May 28th 2016, 06:04 PM
To make a breathtakingly long story short, here's my problem:
-Been dating this girl for six months now
-I love her very much, and plan on spending the rest of our lives together
-She is my first girlfriend; before then I had tryed for many many many years with no luck and it brought me to some dark places (so I can say finding her saved my life)
-She says she is not ready for sex or anything to do with sex (touching breasts, rear, or even kissing anywhere from the bottom of the neck down); we are both virgins
-It seems to be the only reason we argue; we are very happy
-We are on this cycle of me trying to initiate simple intimate physical activity (without the slightest intention of having sex), then she tells me to stop and I really respect her so I do. But then that part of me that wants to be physical gets upset and frustrated, so apparently I get "that look on my face," she says. Then she gets sad because she can't satisfy my needs, and I get upset because I don't seem to have the strength to wait and the last thing I want is to pressure her, etc and etc.
-I really love her, I waited so long for her, and we have discussed it a few times. However, I can't seem to find an outlet. Masturbation has gone down to all but zero; I always think of her and I feel shamed so I don't, yet I can't even touch her really so I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
-I'm a virgin and she is as well, and I know her being her she would let me have sex with someone else; but I obviously want to only be exclusive to her.
-I'm just not sure what to do at this point