Re: My Parents and M-Rated Games -
May 15th 2016, 07:07 PM
I definitely would not go behind their backs to buy any. First, you would need a way to purchase them online since most stores ID for M games and more than likely you do not have your own bank or credit card. And even if you did, your parents probably monitor it. So it's very likely you'd get caught. There's a reason most M games are rated M, and I understand them not wanting you to play them yet. You've heard that the ratings aren't accurate and you agree, however you haven't had access to M rated games.
The specific game you're talking about has online interactions, perhaps this is the reason your parents don't want you playing it. It also seems as though the rating was T at one point but later changed, you could explain this to them and have them look into it. You could try sitting down with them to calmly talk about why they feel you aren't ready to play M rated games, what specific topics they're worried about. I do think ratings should be considered on an individual basis, but parents should also have some experience with the game so they know exactly why it received that rating. Maybe you can ask your dad to check games out for you before hand, however this would most likely involve buying the game without knowing if they want you playing it.
I think the only thing you can do is try to talk to your parents and if they still think you aren't ready for M games then wait until you are.
"We all have battle scars, Finn. Suck it up and build a brace for yours."