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Perfect Dating Age - April 21st 2016, 04:43 PM

So some questions:

1. What is an ideal age for dating?

2. What factors play into it?

3. How old were you when you first dating?

4. Does this differ from what age you were when you had a real relationship?

5. How old are you?

Answering my own questions, I think there is a series of factors that go into it. In our country, we rely on transportation a lot. So I think that when a person can drive, usually sixteen, and has a job, usually around sixteen, is a good age to start dating.

Now, I am biased since I didn't date till I had a car. I couldn't imagine asking my mom to drop me off at the theaters. I also couldn't imagine begging her for cash to take someone out to dinner. Now, my significant other at the time didn't drive or have a job so this is a little weird but he had the potential to drive or have a job. He was involved in a car accident where a friend driving killed someone so he didn't want to drive for awhile.