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Re: there's a girl - a poem - April 17th 2016, 04:18 AM

thank you all so much for the great feedback.

Originally Posted by Loveyalots. View Post
I'm so sorry your friend feels this way. Have you tried doing things for her just to show her how much she means to you? Maybe she feels like nobody cares about her. Maybe she just wants to feel loved and cared about, for once. Maybe she thinks that nobody understands her and she's completely alone. I wish she was on TeenHelp too, it sounds like she really needs help and someone to reach out to. It isn't healthy to keep it all bottled up. Have you offered to always be there for her?
By the way, it's great that you haven't given up on her though everybody else has! That's very nice of you!
i've tried everything, and our friends have tried a lot. actually, one of our mutual friends hasn't given up entirely on her. she leaves notes in her locker with uplifting and inspiring quotes and messages.
but my best friend kind of just takes them as a joke. she's usually just like, okay... whatever." and sighs.

i've told her how much she means to me, and how she's my number one friend, she has no competition for anyone replacing her in that spot in my heart.
i went into some long speech about how whenever i plan something, she's the first person i think about inviting, and that i'll plan things around her schedule so that she can for sure be there. i told her that she really is my best friend and that no one else understands me and clicks with me the way she does.
but she just dodges me opening up to her by name-calling and making a joke out of it. (for example, after this particular speech she called me a "traitor", because i told one of my other friends - who i only met that year, and i had known her for three years - something personal before i told her it.

but she's written some sad stuff on her deviantART, and hasn't answered anyone's questions about it.

i'm starting to wonder if she's bipolar or something, because being friends with her is so confusing and draining honestly. there have been times that i've freaked out and been worried and mad because she was avoiding me, but then being all friendly with her other friends (who don't actually care about her).
but then later that same day, she talked to me like we were best friends again.

i don't know what i'm supposed to do
haunted by the ghost of you