Originally Posted by Cassado
Try to keep in mind that no one's parents are the same. They all have different reactions, and some parents eventually do come around. I don't want my experience with my own parents to scare you away from confiding in your parents. If your parents are supportive, try to see them as part of your support system. I know it can be hard to confide in your parents but having them might help more than you think.
Also try to remember that therapy isn't a bad thing. A lot of people don't like the idea of talking to a stranger and that's understandable. A therapist starts as a stranger, but you can end up with a close therapeutic relationship if you find a therapist you click with. Therapy doesn't work for everyone but it's definitely something to consider if it is available.
The #youcantkillus under my username is in reference to Icon for Hire.
Hi! Sorry for the late reply.
My parents actually reacted a lot better than I thought. My mum was upset but tried to be understanding and my dad was mainly indifferent, which is the closest he can really get to understanding seeing as he isn't really the empathetic type. We even made a bit of a joke out of it after the initial difficult conversation was out of the way - my mum asked if I had tried snapping an elastic band on my wrist instead, to which I replied, 'Yes, although it doesn't quite cut it' (an unintentional pun)

I'll start trying to confide in my parents a bit more, even if it is difficult to start with.
I've accepted it as a good thing for me - although I am not in therapy, I am having counselling with a lovely woman who actually specialises in trauma therapy and support as well as CBT. She is effectively still a stranger to me, although I have started to trust her (a big feat for me, seeing as I find trusting anyone anymore to be very hard, if not near impossible).
Yay! I have finally found a fellow fan

I'm so excited for their next album.
Thanks for everything!