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Re: My parents are way too strict and controlling.. - April 15th 2016, 07:54 PM

jesus christ... and i thought i had it bad.

dude, i am so sorry you're going through this. seriously, words cannot express how much i feel for you.
there's really nothing you can do to change your home situation if your parents aren't willing to talk it out with you. i'd suggest talking to them about how you feel and about some changes you'd want to make in your life, but i'm assuming you've already attempted this and gotten shot down immediately.

however, you can, like the above poster said, talk to a school counselor about this. that would honestly be your best bet, because if they deem your situation dangerous to you then they will be more than happy to schedule a meeting with you and your parents and discuss this in a calm and civilized way. (i actually might be doing that soon for an issue involving my parents, and it sounds really promising. see, the counselors are trained to handle all sorts of people, so they might be able to calm your parents down. and if they're not, at least you'll be talking to them with someone else there, so they won't yell at you or hit you or anything. and if the counselor feels it's unsafe for you to go home with them after that, they'll probably do something about that.)

i'd also strongly advise you to start getting into contact with distant relatives, some that aren't necessarily close and in good relationship to your parents, and friends to see if you can find any temporary homes to go to the minute you turn 18.
this is not an okay situation, and your rights are not being respected at ALL.

hopefully if you have a few homes you can rotate through staying with, you can get a job and save up enough money to buy your own place.

it's just a suggestion.

i wish you nothing but the best of luck with this. stay strong.

i don't know what i'm supposed to do
haunted by the ghost of you