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Angry My parents are making bad decisions - April 15th 2016, 05:09 AM

Hi, I've been running into issues with my parents you see they have always been okay parents never perfect but I have loved them just the same. Eventually I got older and I realized what was best for me in life, and started realizing that none of which my parents had. They relied on government money for everything from food to clothing, also when rent becomes to high or because they want to they make me and my family of 11 move, most of the time to 3-4 bedroom houses. Food always being unhealthy and never meeting my standards, and medical help, I was in a car accident and I kindamedicatieally strange and weird injury, I dislocate my left rib cage from my sternum. Eventually it was reattached but it reattached wrongly, so after months of receiving medical help the doctor said to get a back brace, s he gave us the prescription and... My parents has to live with my grandma a few states away so I never was able to get my brace. And after months of living with my grandma we moved back to where we lived and I never got my brace I needed. I met a friend online who I eventually met up with, and since things at my house started getting so bad I started going back and fourth between living with them and my family. My friends family gave me the things I needed like a back brace, and healthy food also space to live. My parents dragging me back each time saying I'm not allowed to stay. With my mom lying to get medication for her "issues" and my father struggling to take care of everyone with my mom spending all of the money he gets from teaching on random stuff they really don't need or animal food for the many cats and dogs they have, I end up relying on my friends family for clothes and medical help. So I want to live with my friend. Right now I am with their family but my parents expect me on a airplane back in the next few days. What do I do, if you need any other information ask