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Re: Teacher Knows and Is Telling Parents!? -
April 11th 2016, 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Wingardium27
Thanks for the advice - at least it lets me know what I'm in for when my parents find out, if nothing else. Sh*t, even thinking about this on Sunday evening is making me anxious. I have small cuts on my hand (which are easily explained away as 'dog scratches') and a deeper 2 inch cut in my thigh (but no way am I taking any clothing off for strangers just so I can get in deeper sh*t).
I can't imagine either of my parents' reactions will be good. My mum will most likely be sad and angry, but my dad will probably just be really angry with me and accuse me of attention seeking or being pathetic and saying I need to pull myself together because it happened two months ago, or some other bullsh*t. I trust and love my parents very much, but I'm not close with either of them, which is what really worries me. I'm too scared to tell them and leaving a note isn't really an option because my dad drives me to school every morning.
Thanks for the heads-up, I just hope they won't react too negatively or make me go to therapy or anything.
I'm more than happy to keep you all updated - I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
P.S. Is the #youcantkillus on your profile a reference to the band Icon For Hire?? Sorry for the random question, just thought I'd ask 
Try to keep in mind that no one's parents are the same. They all have different reactions, and some parents eventually do come around. I don't want my experience with my own parents to scare you away from confiding in your parents. If your parents are supportive, try to see them as part of your support system. I know it can be hard to confide in your parents but having them might help more than you think.
Also try to remember that therapy isn't a bad thing. A lot of people don't like the idea of talking to a stranger and that's understandable. A therapist starts as a stranger, but you can end up with a close therapeutic relationship if you find a therapist you click with. Therapy doesn't work for everyone but it's definitely something to consider if it is available.
The #youcantkillus under my username is in reference to Icon for Hire.
If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
The axe forgets, but the tree remembers