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Meowstic Offline
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I don't want to move again how can I convince my parents - March 13th 2016, 04:35 AM

My younger sister got expelled from school this week. I don't really want to go into details about that. Anyways so my sister has been getting into a lot of trouble for a while now one thing after another my mom usually overlooks it. This time it's really bad though and I can't even believe she was involved but she was. I don't know what's going on with her but she's changed so much I'm really worried and she's only 10. This time my mom is so mad and she doesn't want to deal with my sister anymore so my sister is going to be going to live with my dad. My dad has been saying for a while that he wants us to live with him and our stepmom (who I really don't like because she really isn't nice). My mom wants us both to go live with my dad but I really don't want to move again we have moved so much and I am just starting to get used to living here and my new school and making friends. If I live with my dad i bywould have to start all over again and that's never easy for me. I don't see why I should have to move because of what my sister did but they just won't hear it. How can I convince my parents to let me stay living with my mom? I don't know what to do about any of this I just feel like it's unfair no one ever thinks of me I am in grade 7 and at my 7th school I just want to stay in one place for longer then a year.