Re: What will happen if i tell the school counselor I'm suicidal? -
March 10th 2016, 07:45 AM
Normally the rule of if you are a danger to yourself, someone else, or someone else is hurting you, is the one they follow and if you ask them what the rule is and don't talk to them I'm sure they won't mind. They have probably had it happen to them plenty of times before and will probably figure out that you just aren't comfortable with them yet.
It's better not to make something up just to talk to them for several reasons actually. You don't want to get them worried about something, and considering you had to ask if they were going to talk to your parents, they probably figure its something that is worth worrying about and you making something up will just make them worry more as they will probably just know that you were making it up. If they ask you questions about it and you don't have the answers, that's just another reason to not make something up. Unless you plan out every single question that you are likely to be asked and find answers for them all, plus extras 'just in case', I don't think it is wise to just make something up. For me, I just wouldn't want to lie to them. Why would you lie to someone who want's to help you? It's easier just to tell them you aren't comfortable with them.
No matter if you decide to talk to them or not, I hope it goes well. I hope you're okay as well, and don't forget that we are always here if you need to talk.
Take care.
Senior HelpLINK Mentor | Forum Moderator Clothed in strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.