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Palmolive Offline
Purr Purr Purr.
Jeez, get a life!
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Name: Jessie
Age: 30
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Re: What will happen if i tell the school counselor I'm suicidal? - March 3rd 2016, 04:18 PM

Hey there.

I'm so glad you're thinking about talking to your school counsellor. It's always best to be honest when getting help so you can get the support that appropriate for you.

Because of your age, I doubt they will tell your parents. If you're not actually eighteen but are under that age the they may have to do so. If you live in England for example, it can be quite hard to be admitted to a ward or it is where I live anyway. Where as in America you can tend to be admitted quite easily but I'm not sure where you are. I've had twelve inpatient stays so if you want to talk to be about it, please feel free.

I just really want you to get the help you need and by talking to your school counsellor, this could be the start of it. You deserve the help and support. Okay? You don't deserve to be suffering alone and I'd hate for anything g to happen to you. If you feel at very high risk then I suggest you go to your local emergency department or call emergency services for some help. In the meantime, talk to those around you, us and a counsellor, and helplines, use distractions, and skills etc and keep fighting. I believe in you.


’Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.’

Big sis, always and forever, 15/04/2018