Re: What will happen if i tell the school counselor I'm suicidal? -
March 3rd 2016, 07:01 AM
Welcome to TeenHelp .
I think you should definitely be honest even though it is hard to seek help. You could always write down a note to give to your counsellor if that makes it easier. Three years ago when I told my school counsellor that I was suicidal, the counsellor told my head of year, the SENCO (as I am statemented and have SEN, so the TAs were responsible for me at school) and the deputy head. They would tell your mum. Hospital is normally only for about 1or 2 days unless you're at risk of harming yourself. They try to treat it in the community e.g. CAMHS.
"Never forget what you are,the rest of the world will not. Wear it like an armor and it can never be used to hurt you."