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Re: I don't know if this is an eating disorder or stress or depression or all 3 - February 23rd 2016, 03:32 PM


If you don't have much of an appetite, I'd certainly reccommend seeing a doctor to get that checked out! Whilst I'm not a doctor it sounds to me like you're experiencing more of a physical problem- although, if you're depressed, that could certainly be linked, and some people do experience a decrease in appetite with depression.

If you're worried about your mom or grandma thinking there's something wrong with you- talk to them. Reassure them that this is a physical thing and you're experiencing a lack of appetite, and ask if you can see a doctor to get to the bottom of this.

In terms of helping with your depression, aside from talking to people I'd also reccommend keeping a diary. Write down when you're feeling low and write about your appetite. Try to find a link, and see if you have less appetite when you're feeling low, or if it seems unrelated. This might help you work out if depression is affecting your appetite!

I hope that helps a little and good luck!


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