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ConfusionRunningRampant Offline
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Unhappy My Parents Are Trying To Get Rid Of My Friends - February 7th 2016, 10:37 PM

So this is my first time posting to the time. My parents are separated (sort of) but its a very long complicated story for another day. Currently, i have just returned from my fathers house. On the way to my mothers place (we don't actually own a place yet so we are staying with a friend, basically we lost our house from it being sold without our permission and my father kicked us out of his place but again its a long story for another time) my father suddenly forced me to open up my phone. He started reading through all the texts I've been sending to a very dear friend of mine.
This friend of mine, is different from most boys. He is the kindest, funniest, most understanding, most intelligent and philosophical person I know and we've been friends since 7th grade (I'm in 9th grade right now). He is my dearest friend, but my parents for some reason do not approve of him. They misunderstand him and believe that he is trying to ruin my life by "distracting me" because they don't understand why we talk to each other so much.

So my dad went through all the texts. He send something like this "thats f*cking insane" in response to how much homework i had gotten, which is really an insane amount (he also did censor the word).

My father, when seeing that word, began screaming at me about the foul language we are using. He continued going through all the texts and now, he's taken away my phone for good. He is trying to disconnect all communication between me and my dear friend.
Now, my friend hardly ever curses.
All my classmates curse about five times each sentence. My friend probably only curses once a week. So I really do not see the problem there. But from that one text, father assumed that he uses foul language 100% of the time.

But back to the point. He has taken my phone. Mother and him both started cursing him out and saying horrible things about him, and they called me autistic for talking to a boy who supposedly only cares about gaming (which is absolutely not true. Gaming is only a hobby for us, and I barely have time to play anyways)

They went on to say that I am wasting my time talking to such a person, and that If i don't get straight As i will never talk to him again because they are going to "correct" my behavior.

They went through my grades, which is a C average admittedly but my school is extremely difficult with about 6 hours of homework a night, and I get home around 4:30 most of the time so its a rush fest for me. My parents are the type that demand straight As, so they pinned my "bad grades" all on my friend and decided that its all his fault that Im not some great honor roll student.
They called his parents, who they've only met twice, people who "look like the envious type" and said that when I drop out of high school, that my friend and his family will be laughing in my face.
I do not understand, why they think so negatively of my dearest kind friend, who has complete trust in me and i complete trust in him.
So my phone is gone, taken from me for good.
My father is probably giving him threats right now.

So this is what has taken place to me a mere few minutes ago.
Your thoughts, please? Im trying to figure out a way that I can stop my parents from destroying the friendships I value.