Re: Why Did You Turn To Religion? -
April 22nd 2009, 09:12 PM
I'm a Muslim. I was brought up a Muslim. And I didn't always follow the religion. But now I do. Why? I do it because it truly and awesomely gives me peace. After, i pray I feel at peace with myself, with just everything. It's like no matter how much the world sucks at that moment, you know God is always there and maybe he won't help, maybe he will, but he'll always listen. Which sounds weird I know (that's what I used to think - like of course God listens, but he never replies!), but just telling him all that helps. I feel humbled and when you feel humbled, you start acting nicer and better, believe me! And i can ask help, or good grades or health or anything from him directly by just including it in my prayers. But of course, He won't give you anything for free. As they say, try hard and pray hard. Either alone won't help.
And besides, the Quran is the only holy book that makes sense to me and also gives me peace when I read it.